Official UFC Instagram account, photos & videos, followers, posts


UFC stands for Ultimate Fighting Championship. It was founded in 1993. Owned and managed by Luffa LLC. The headquarter is located in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Development and social influence

The world’s largest MMA promotion company based in the USA. It produces annually hundreds of fighting events in various countries. All fighters are divided into 12 weight and sex categories: 8 men's divisions and 4 women's divisions. Each of the fighters tries to win the UFC belt and get into the UFC Hall of Fame. The company also launched some additional advertising projects such as Embedded, TUF, Dana White's Contender Series. This way the UFC looks for and picks up new fighters. Professional fighters around the world desire to be signed at the UFC because the contract will give them a lot of financial opportunities and fans. Nowadays the UFC is a globally popular multi-billion-dollar enterprise.

Official Instagram

It publishes photos and videos with announcements and results of the fight nights, historical posts with #OnThisDay hashtags, interviews with fighters and managers. Some posts are dedicated to life out of the octagon arena.

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The official UFC Instagram brings you fight photos and video from around the world.