Official Google Instagram account, photos & videos, followers, posts


Google was founded on 4.09.98 by 2 Stanford University students Larry Page and Sergey Brin in California. Now it belongs to Alphabet Inc., a large conglomerate technology holding company.

Development and social influence

A technology company that specializes in Internet-related services and products such as online advertising technologies, search engines, cloud computing, various software, and hardware. There are a lot of services we used to work with that were developed by Google: Search, Photos, Maps, Earth, Docs, Gmail, Drive, and many others. Such popular services as Youtube and Blogger also belong to Google. is the most visited website worldwide. The company was ranked as one of the most valuable brands. The cost of Google in 2021 was estimated at $1 885,28 billion.

Official Instagram:

Real Google Instagram page (12,7m followers, 1,7k posts): It publishes manly photos (less often - videos) dedicated to various business and cultural projects that Google runs or supports or just pictures with remarkable short stories the company wants to highlight.

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Google unfiltered—sometimes with filters.